ryan-ashley anderson


Sunday, January 3, 2010


i just made it to ohio a couple of hours ago.
it was a beautiful, long, painful trip.
it was beautiful until i started driving through the coal towns in west virginia, where it was still beautiful, but the houses looked like matchboxes, singed around the edges, darkened by the air, and the water from the dirty river they stand beside.
it went by quickly until i passed these towns and the cars and lights and gas stations disappeared and my gas needle fell and it seemed like i was driving into a disaster...

but then i arrived, and rachel was roasting a chicken and garlic, thyme potatoes, and baking pumpkin pies, and the house was warm, and i was so glad to be in from the cold car.

i am spending my week here catching up on knitting--completing some custom orders--, walking my dog, taking pictures, writing letters, and eating.

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