it feels like...
i haven't written on this in forever.
so many things have been happening.
bele chere is on! and i am supposedly steadily building stock for the show. (un)fortunately the jewelry has been going so well at
hip replacements and
elementality that i really haven't had very much time to make downstock for etsy OR the show. this week i am definitely planning on cracking down.
by the end of the month i have to...
-begin studying for the comprehensive exams in the fall
-continue to make downstock (this part i like!)
-begin the reading list i must have completed by august
-work on poetry for my creative thesis proposal/packet
-work out-boot camp with my closest friends!
-remind myself to go out into the world once in a while so i don't forget how to socialize after deeply creative hibernation
-tell myself that definitive statements ("yes" and "do") aren't as difficult as they seem
school ended two weeks ago, and if i don't start studying for my last semester soon, i am definitely going to lose steam.
there are lots of new things happening to distract me, though! for example....i have been distracted by...
my new HAIRCUT

new room-mate...

new piercing...

new earrings/jewelry!


the yolaine:

this summer is going to be BUSYBUSYBUSY!
i am really excited about it, especially because i really feel like i'm surrounded by the best friends of my life.